K&W Transmissies has, with its own and external R&D engineering departments, many years of experience when it comes to mechanical drive systems for the insulating material industry.
As an expert partner of the industry, K&W Transmissies has a great deal of specific experience and knowledge. K&W Transmissies is thus always a strong and reliable contact for the installers of these kinds of conveyor systems.
In the production of insulation materials, the conveyor chains are inter alia used in collecting chambers, curing ovens, and chutes. Extreme conditions with aggressive and corrosive products, temperatures of up to 300°C as well as high transport speeds require special chain designs of an optimal production quality.
K&W Transmissies B.V. Poseidonweg 31 8239 DK Lelystad The Netherlands T +31 320 247370 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.